'Deadpool & Wolverine' Early Footage Review: Why Fans Might Be Worried


It’s an exciting time to be a Marvel fan, with new films and series continuously expanding the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The anticipation around 'Deadpool & Wolverine' is particularly palpable given the rumored might of these two iconic characters coming together. Recently, I had the chance to watch the first 40 minutes of the movie, and while there were some moments of fanfare and creative highlights, there were also elements that gave rise to a few concerns.

Breaking the Fourth Wall

From the very beginning, the film established its tone with Deadpool’s characteristic style of humor. Deadpool jumps straight into breaking the fourth wall, addressing the audience directly. This is both a signature move and a clever narrative device that fans of the character have come to expect and love. Yet, as the scenes unfolded, it was hard to shake off the feeling that the writers might be relying a bit too heavily on this meta-commentary.

One of the more eyebrow-raising moments comes when Deadpool openly states that the film will not honor the legacy of 'Logan,' the critically acclaimed movie that served as Hugh Jackman’s poignant farewell to the Wolverine character. This could be seen as an attempt to manage audience expectations from the get-go, but it also raises questions about the film’s direction and its respect for past entries in the franchise.

The Grave Incident

The most jarring scene in the early minutes of the movie is when Deadpool digs up Logan’s grave. Finding the adamantium skeleton, he whimsically uses it to battle against TVA (Time Variance Authority) agents. While this scene is undeniably inventive and action-packed, it does tread dangerously close to being distasteful, particularly for fans who hold 'Logan' in high regard. Deadpool’s irreverent nature is well-documented, but there's a fine line between being irreverent and plain disrespectful.

Flipping Through Time

The movie employs a non-linear storytelling technique that jumps around various timeframes. The first major shift takes us back to March 2018, where Deadpool is interviewed by Happy, a nod to the early days of integrating the character into the MCU. The interview is played for laughs, showcasing Deadpool’s eccentricities while examining his potential place within the larger MCU. Unfortunately, this scene falls slightly flat, as the humor feels forced and the narrative aimless.

Fast forward to the present day, the audience finds Deadpool working at a car sales company alongside Pete, an unlikely setting that feels both amusing and somewhat trivial for a character of his complexity. It’s a stark contrast to the epic battles and high stakes we have come to expect from Marvel movies.

Encountering the TVA

The TVA captures Deadpool, providing some intriguing world-building within the MCU’s multiverse saga. He’s given a new suit, a moment that should have been exhilarating but instead felt rushed and underwhelming. The dialogue here is swift and peppered with quips about the multiverse and the MCU, characteristically coined as a 'cameo fest' by Deadpool. The self-referential humor is expected, but there’s a sense that it's leaning too heavily into parody territory rather than authentic storytelling.

The Cameo of Hulk

Notably, the film features a brief scene where Deadpool encounters the Hulk. This bit is clearly meant to thrill fans, but it's executed in such a way that it feels more like a checkmark on a list of inevitable MCU cameos, rather than an organic part of the plot. There’s a balance that needs to be struck between giving fans what they want and maintaining the integrity of the story, and so far, 'Deadpool & Wolverine' seems to struggle with this balance.

Concerns About the Film

So, after the first 40 minutes, why am I worried about 'Deadpool & Wolverine'? Mainly, it’s the feeling that the movie might be trying too hard to live up to its hype, resulting in a series of disjointed scenes strung together by Deadpool’s jokes and meta-commentary. There’s a risk that the movie could end up being little more than a collage of fan service moments without a coherent and engaging narrative at its core.

The MCU has set a high bar for storytelling, weaving complex and emotionally resonant tales even within the framework of big-budget action spectacles. The early glimpse of 'Deadpool & Wolverine' shows flashes of potential, but the question is whether it can bring these elements together into a satisfying whole.



Ultimately, my concerns don’t mean that 'Deadpool & Wolverine' will be a failure. There’s still plenty of time for the film to pick up steam and flesh out its story in a meaningful way. The creative team behind it includes talented individuals who have proven their capability in the past. The first 40 minutes are just a small slice of what could be a much richer narrative. However, they also serve as a reminder that blending irreverent humor with respectful storytelling is a delicate act - one that requires precision and care.

As fans, we can only hope that the full film strikes the perfect balance, delivering a story that's not only entertaining but also honors the legacy of its beloved characters. Until then, we watch and wait, fingers crossed.