UDA Warns Party Members Including Oscar Sudi and Moses Kuria Over Indiscipline

The United Democratic Alliance (UDA), a dominant political force in Kenya, recently drew a hard line on disciplinary issues within its ranks. The party issued stern warnings to five of its notable members, including Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi, Githunguri MP Gathoni wa Muchomba, Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga, Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen, and Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria. This move by the UDA underscores the party's commitment to maintaining discipline and unity among its members, especially in a time marked by political maneuvering and upcoming election strategies.

Cleophas Malala, the UDA's Secretary General, emphasized that these members had crossed boundaries by publicly undermining the party's leadership and the Presidency. Such actions not only weaken party cohesion but also damage the public perception of the UDA's overall solidarity. According to Malala, these errant members exhibited behaviors that can only be described as a blatant disregard for their designated roles within the government and the responsibilities that come with their positions.

Oscar Sudi and Moses Kuria are notable political figures who have often found themselves in the midst of controversy. Their recent actions, which Malala referred to as indiscipline, have sparked discussions within political circles about their commitment to the party's values and vision. Gathoni wa Muchomba, Mutahi Kahiga, and Kipchumba Murkomen have also shown similar disregard, prompting the UDA leadership to take these issues seriously. It was highlighted that if these behaviors persist, the party will not shy away from taking appropriate disciplinary actions against them. Such actions could range from temporary suspensions to more severe penalties, depending on the gravity of the offenses and their impact on the party.

Adding another layer to this disciplinary drive, Malala addressed a rising concern within the UDA ranks - the premature campaigning by young politicians for the 2032 elections. The Secretary General's message was clear: any ongoing campaigns for elections that are nearly a decade away are not only unnecessary but also seen as disrespectful to the current electorate and disruptive to the party's immediate goals. Malala urged these young politicians to refocus their energies on their current duties and to contribute positively to the party's mission and ongoing political agenda.

Importance of Party Unity and Discipline

Maintaining unity and discipline within a political party is crucial for several reasons. First, it ensures that the party presents a cohesive front to the public, which is essential for maintaining voter trust and support. Disunity and indiscipline can give the impression of a party that is unable to govern itself, let alone a country. This can be particularly damaging in an electoral context, where public perception can be the difference between victory and defeat.

Second, discipline within the party ranks helps to ensure that members are working towards the same goals and priorities. In the case of elected officials and cabinet secretaries, this means focusing on their roles within the government and ensuring that they are fulfilling their responsibilities effectively. When members step out of line, it can disrupt the party's agenda and divert attention away from key issues that need to be addressed.

The Broader Impact of Premature Campaigning

The Broader Impact of Premature Campaigning

The issue of premature campaigning is not unique to the UDA or to Kenyan politics more broadly. In many political systems, there is a tendency for ambitious politicians to start campaigning long before the official election period begins. While this can sometimes be seen as a sign of enthusiasm and dedication, it can also be counterproductive.

Premature campaigning can distract politicians from their current responsibilities, leading to a loss of focus on their duties and a decline in performance. It can also create unnecessary tension and competition within the party, which can undermine unity and cohesion. Additionally, it can be seen as disrespectful to voters, who may feel that politicians are more interested in their future careers than in serving their current constituents.


The UDA's recent warnings to members like Oscar Sudi and Moses Kuria highlight the importance of discipline and unity within political parties. By taking a firm stand on these issues, the UDA leadership is sending a clear message that indiscipline and disrespect will not be tolerated. This move is likely to have a broader impact, encouraging other party members to adhere to the party's values and priorities and to focus on their current responsibilities rather than future ambitions. It remains to be seen what specific disciplinary actions may be taken if the warned behaviors continue, but the message from the UDA is clear: unity and discipline are paramount.